Priscilla And Aquila: Team Ministry
I think we are living in a time of religious persecution, in America right now. It has become popular to attack and question Christianity, even among so-called Christians. Since when did the word of God, need modifications to make it fit ? To my knowledge, that hasn't come to pass. I don't think the word of God is wishy-washy as many, would have you think. As a matter of fact, I know it's not. I have encountered several ministers even pastors, questioning the validity of scripture. Always asking the question,"What did God really mean" ? Not always asking the question themselves, but entertaining the vain babblings of others. Here's a little FYI. If you want to know if they have an agenda, here's a test. If they ask the question, and have the answer as well. That's a dead give-away. They wanted to tell you anyway. That was the pupose of the question. How can the word of God as written, possibly be misconstrued as the doctrine of some other group. The different opinions are merely translations. Skewered with their personal biases. I feel we are now feeling the effects, of a fluffed up religion. A result of all this prosperity preaching from the megapreachers around the country. Everyone is looking for a gift from God.When I say fluffed up, I mean not of solid foundation. The first sign of trouble they abandon ship. Revert back to the old way of doing things. The gospel isn't all about, what God can do for you. It's also about our personal sacrifices. What healthy relationship is only one sided? As long as we're getting the new car,or new house we love him. When the money get's tight, or we loose a job. What if a personal relationship falls apart, with our spouse. Don't mention the death of a loved one. The occurence of any one or more, of these definite possibilities. The love and faith in God seem to disappear. That's when we need him most. The same God that was with you in the good times, is the same God with you now in the bad. Nobody preached about it rains on the just, as well as the unjust. That isn't a popular message. The new converts haven't been prepared for the storms of life yet. The slightest of a wind will blow them off course.Having become aware of this falling away, so to speak. It deeply troubled my spirit. I know I am only ultimately responsible for my own salvation. But I know Jesus didn't die just for me. We must be concerned with the welfare of others. Just as God was for us. As Christians we already have the gift, of something better yet to come. If you truly believe, why would you want any less for anyone else. I first noticed this during this past presidential election. We began to put our trust in a man, instead of in God. Letting our temporal concerns, outweigh our spiritual convictions. Taking a stand for the truth is like standing on the firing line. Some people would turn on their mother. If she stood between them, and their worldly ways. Those of us who know the score, now need to earn our wings. The body of Christ should have it's soldiers on the battlefield. Fully dressed in our armour for God. For those that are out here fighting. We need to be like Priscilla and Aquila encouraging our brethren in the faith.
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