Directions For Disciples

This is a summary of the weekly Sunday School lesson, in my own words.I hope this gives you the general idea, of the lessons main objective.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Pauls Farewell

The printed texts so you can read it, are Acts 20:17-28, 36-38. The devotional reading is Acts 20: 31-35.In this paticular story we see where Paul has summoned the elders of the young church at Ephesus. He asked the elders to meet him at Miletus , which was about 35 miles away from Ephesus. In those days that accounted for a full days journey. He was stopping there in route to Jerusalem. To these people, Paul was the catylyst of their spiritual conversion. Ephesus was a city whose name meant "city of immorality". They had temples devoted to sex. Paul was the example of Christianity. Actions speak louder than words. If you're living right, your light will shine for others to see. That was the first thing Paul established, in his address to the elders. Letting his life and teachings, be his primary character witness.Unlike believers of that time. We have 20/20 vision in the written word. Believers of that time had prophecy. Telling them of things yet unseen. Early Christians required a blind faith, today we don't have to exercise. They believed in their hearts, this would be their last meeting with Paul. That prevented this from being a joyous occasion, or one for celebration. Paul was taking this last meeting as an oppurtunity, to reinforce his teachings. Assuring them they had full knowledge. He had taught them everything as given to him. Holding from them nothing. Appointing them overseers of the faith. Once he had gone, the gospel must live on.The lesson aim was a general one. Show appreciation and respect to those, who have shared the faith with you. To loose someone close to you, is a major blow. Not saying that we won't experience heartache in our Christian walk. It pains us deeply at the loss of a loved one. I personally don't belive people who say they don't fear death. I think they're trying to prove their faith to someone else. If the two of you are believers, you know that's not the end. In the final verses. Paul and the elders, prayed together and wept. And they escorted him to the ship. Does this put you in the mind, of sending a loved one off ? He left them with a hope of things better to come. He left them with the gospel of Jesus Christ.


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